
Country: DRC
University: University of Warwick
Degree: Management
Expected Graduation: 2027

“My future ambition is to improve entrepreneurship education and solve the problem of unemployment in Kiziba refugee camp, which will contribute to improving the well-being of refugees and increasing self-reliance in the community, moving away from relying on donations and towards developing self-reliance through their entrepreneurial activities. Studying Business Management would give me with much-needed information and expertise in entrepreneurship education, the issues that refugees face, and problem-solving skills developed through the examination of numerous business problems related to entrepreneurial capabilities. Not only that, but I hope to make a positive difference in the lives of young people in Sub-Saharan Africa. I volunteered at College Amahoro Kiziba from January to February 2023, and I realised how important it is to encourage the younger generation and help them develop their future careers, as well as to encourage them to take advantage of the opportunities they have to make a community a better place for everyone by engaging in various entrepreneurial activities, thereby opening up opportunities for other members of the community without relying solely on funding.”



